Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Stuck in a Rut

Well, the weeks leading up to Eid-Adha, and the school holiday that comes after it has been long and draggy if I'm being honest. A lot of my work-plan got postponed and my mojo went on holiday too. A far too long a holiday I'd say. Now that I'm back at work, my mojo did not. Huh.

I've been feeling stuck lately. There are so much that I need to do, but the dread of starting and the fear of not finishing has somehow stopped me on my track. I'm in limbo, living in my own head. I hate this feeling. But at the moment I'm not strong enough to fight it. I want to, but I just can't seem to. Sighhhhhhh.

I think I need to climb back up to the's suffocating and soul-crushing being down here. 

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