So, I'll be going back to work tomorrow. I need to seriously set my mind to finish all the pending tasks when I was gone. So much to catch up on. I am gonna write everything down and tackle it one by one. InshaAllah. I have set my mind to be productive and focus on doing my PhD proposal in any given pockets of free time that I got at work. Need to seriously set a timeline for me. no time to lose anymore. What more, Dr Arshad also gonna retire soon. Need to finish while he's still available. I don't want any other supervisor. I am comfortable working with him..and hope that I can stay with him throughout.
A totally unrelated pic of when I was in Perth. It was a happy time it was.
Coming back to my feelings...I think I need to write more to let out what I feel. It feels suffocating and burdening to be thinking in my head all the time. I need to learn to process my feelings and emotions better. There will be triggers I know, but I am thinking of an exit plan should it happen, and maybe steps on how I can mitigate the impact of the trigger. I don't think I want to talk about what happened to anyone. Maybe just entertaining their simple questions will be okay. I'm gonna mind my own business at work..just focusing on finishing whatever that I need to do. Not gonna meddle with anymore gossip/etc that's going on at the office.
I'm done being the victim of office politics. I felt wronged, cheated, betrayed by those I trust. And I won't forgive them. I feel like running away, and start anew at a new place. But, circumstances won't let me. I'll just need to hang on, soldier on, do the best I can, finish my PhD as quickly as I can..and then only I can look for other options. That's the plan for now.
I will trust my heart to be strong, to keep on keeping on, to heal, and to grow beyond what has happened. It is but a bump in the road of life. Terrified as I may, it is part of Allah's plan. I will just need to trust Him. And to continue praying and hoping for the best and the strength to move on.'s a relief to be writing this out. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.....
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